Packaging innovation supports surge in online shopping

Online shopping used to be just a convenient way to order special purchases. Today, it’s part of the weekly or daily shopping routine for many. This surge in e-commerce activity has impacted packaging in many ways, including design enhancements that not only provide additional protection but also help sellers add new cost-saving efficiencies.

Take, for example, CVE Techeim, Inc., a company that refurbishes and resells consumer electronics such as tablets. Their business model requires packaging that protects, has a compartment for accessories such as power supplies, and, most importantly, is simple to assemble. A boost in sales meant increased box assembly time, and the packaging that the company previously used required a secondary tear-off piece to create a space for accessories. An innovative packaging solution was to create a roll-over design that required no tearing and provided superior protection.

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Corrugated packaging innovations have delivered additional cost savings. The increase in online orders means potential increased labor costs. More boxes mean more time assembling boxes. One way packaging can be a solution is through innovative and more efficient design -- similar to the solution Viking used with CVE Techeim which saved 25% in labor costs. Protective and shipping boxes can be designed to open more quickly and with fewer steps, so you minimize bottlenecks in the packaging room. Our lock-bottom style packaging solution reduces time and tape, saving you even more.

At Viking, we’ve helped many manufacturers innovate new packaging solutions that increase efficiencies and improve product protection. Connect with us and learn more.

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